Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED
Phone: (66) 02-949-7806
WorldMedic Information & Technology
42/1 Ramindra Rd. Bangkok.
Monday - Friday 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED
Phone: (66) 02-949-7806
WorldMedic Information & Technology
42/1 Ramindra Rd. Bangkok.
WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm’s commitment to privacy. The following
discloses our information-gathering and dissemin ation practices for these websites:
and WorldMedic’s customer sites that labeled by “Powered by WorldMedic”
WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. is the location which houses the servers for in Babgkok.Thailand. WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. has no access to WorldMedic’ user information. It provides backup servers and it may copy information posted to our servers for purposes of continuation of services. WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. is not permitted to use any information for any purpose.
This site contains links to other sites. WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.
Public Forums and Chat Registration
This site makes chat rooms, forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.
A user must only insert name and e-mail (and he/she may use an inaccurate name or e-mail) to post a question in the forums. This information posted is not used by WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. if the browser posts a question. If the browser registers for a chat or forum, the information is retained so that WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. can remind the browser of the date of the chat or form. Passwords are retained only when the browser registers for a chat or forum.
A user must only insert name and e-mail (and he/she may use an inaccurate name or e-mail) to post a question in the forums. This information posted is not used by WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. if the browser posts a question. If the browser registers for a chat or forum, the information is retained so that WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. can remind the browser of the date of the chat or form. Passwords are retained only when the browser registers for a chat or forum.
At a periodic meeting with employees, the management of WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd. will review the security policy with employees and make sure it is clear to employees that WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., only collects information from browsers on the “Contact Us” feature. That information is limited to the name, address and e-mail of the browser, and it does not require an actual name for e-mail. It requires only the insertion of characters within the space. In the event that a browser signs up for a forum we retain the information relative to the browser and we remind them of the chat or forum. Only the management team consisting of three individuals have access to the browser information via password.
This site gives users the option to change and modify information previously provided for all channels. The user may update their information through the “Contact Us” form on the sites.
1. You can send email to mailto:[email protected]
2. Or use the Contact Us link in the top, black, navigation bar.
We use the “Contact Us” form to allow you to contact us directly with any questions or comments you may have. We read every message sent and try to reply promptly to every one. This information is used to respond directly to your questions or comments. We may also file your comments to improve the site and program, or review and discard the information. Your personal information is only shared with third parties with your explicit permission.
Passive Information Collection
WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., does not retain personal identification information. WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., does log such information as what pages the user visits, browser type, IP address, and access times.
Passive Information Collection
WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., does not retain personal identification information. WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., does log such information as what pages the user visits, browser type, IP address, and access times.
Legal Disclaimer
WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., does not share any personally identifiable information about users with third parties. We may disclose personal information when required by law or in good faith belief that such action is neccessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with a legal process served on our web site.
Notification of Changes
We will notify you directly if there is a material change in our privacy practices. We will take commercially reasonable measures to obtain written or active e-mail consent from the user if WorldMedic Information & Technology Co., Ltd., is going to be using the information collected from the user in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection. We will also post the changes in our Privacy Statement thirty days prior to a change.
Contacting the Website
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact each site’s webmaster or our WorldMedic Director: